
To keep the cables, pipes and hoses afloat a simple usage of our cable floats (Flootzer) is recommended. The inflatable cylinders are made of strong PVC material and can extend high pressures. It is no longer necessary to be afraid of exploding floaters due to rising temperatures. Our cable floats can resist these circumstances. The Flootzer is also resistant to oil and water.

A big advantage of inflatable floaters is the saving of space. Once deflated the Flootzer would not take a lot of space. The cable floats can be inflated at the workspace. Handelmaatschappij en Zeilmakerij De Wit BV has years of experience in producing strong cable floats.

Flootzer cable float 1000               Flootzer Cable Float 600


Due to the flexibility of the inflatable floats, the product is easy in usage at temporary projects. The Flootzer is ideal for projects where the cable, pipe or hose cannot dragged over the bottom. On most bottoms you will find a lot of rough rocks and this will cause damage to the cable, pipe or hose.

No damaged cables

The cable floats are widely used for cable support during landfall works and beach pull. It is an alternative for very shallow water installations.

The cable will nolonger cause damage due to the rough bottom. By using the Flootzer the cable will float horizontal on the water. Cable floats are mostly used in shallow waters. After the project is done, the Flootzer can easily be cleared.

Our Flootzer cable float is available in different sizes, but the most common used is the Flootzer cable float 600. Tis cable float can carry a weight up to 600 kg. Before selling the floats a test is done. Different elements of the Flootzer is test to offer a high quality product. The change of breaking or leakage is greatly reduced by this test.